Negative effects of shoplifting Published March 27, 2008 By Col. Rafael D.L. Quezada 374th Mission Support Group commander YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Oh, the difference a year makes. In 2007, only 74 misconduct incidents were processed through the Yokota Conduct Adjudication Program, the lowest in recent history. YCAP is the civilian and dependant misconduct authority on base. This year, 2008, we are on pace to shatter that low record. Of the 74 incidents a majority of these infractions were shoplifting incidents, the most common offense leading to YCAP administrative actions. Despite extensive prevention efforts, such as TV and radio commercials, briefings at newcomers' orientations, school collaboration and community awareness programs, a small percentage of Yokota residents still chose to shoplift. The notion that shoplifters are just teenagers is false. In 2008, people ranging from 12 to 74 years old were caught and punished. Even more astounding is that they aren't stealing expensive merchandise. Some stolen items were less than $2 in value. If the current trend continues, shoplifting alone will surpass all civilian and dependent misconduct incidents combined in 2007. For some odd reason shoplifters think they will not get caught. A word to sum up that train of thought is delusional. People who shoplift will get caught and face the consequences of their actions. Shoplifters expose themselves to administrative actions, a criminal record, loss of shopping privileges, as well as embarrassing themselves and their families. Shoplifting, of any kind, will be punished; at a minimum they will lose their shopping privileges. They may also receive additional sanctions such as a restricted curfew, community service, loss of driving privileges, debarment from Yokota Air Base, or even an early return to the Unites States. Don't risk it. For more information, please contact the YCAP coordinator, Mr. Hugh Clark, at DSN 225-3648. Please help Yokota AB prevent shoplifting. It is up to you and your family members.