Commander's Corner: Oct. 31, 2014

  • Published
  • By Col. Douglas DeLaMater
  • 374th Airlift Wing
Today is a busy day for many of us here at Team Yokota. We have Halloween festivities going on throughout the day-- including the Running of the Bulls 10K we had earier this morning. If you're feeling up for another challenge, our Wing Resiliency Color Run/Walk begins at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon at Yokota's Friendship Field.

 I would also like to give a shout out to all of the outstanding Airmen volunteering their Halloween evenings to bring local Japanese children on base to trick-or-treat tonight. This is one of the many things we can do to give back and show that we care for our Japanese brethren. With Halloween festivities going on tonight and throughout the weekend, I know that many of you will be engaging outside our gates as well.

 We have a fantastic community outside our gates and it is important that we never take this level of support and friendship for granted. Take care of your fellow Airman this weekend and remember to be a good ambassador for your country every time you engage with our Japanese brethren.