Commander's Corner: Apr. 11, 2014 Published April 13, 2014 By Col. Mark August 374th Airlift Wing commander YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Yokota Air Base is a strategically vital base for several reasons. Often when we talk about our strategic role, we think of our airlift mission. As we demonstrate by supporting PACAF exercises and regional contingency responses, we are an ideal staging area for airlift operations in the Pacific; however, we are also an ideal location for strategic engagement as well. Being situated on the outskirts of Tokyo makes Yokota crucial to our nation's efforts to strengthen its ties with our Japanese allies. We saw this last week as we executed back-to-back visits from Ambassador Kennedy and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Later this month, we will also support President Obama's Japan visit. All the while, we continually support theater cooperation between 5th Air Force and the Japanese Air Self Defense Force. Yokota Airmen enable America's regional foreign policy efforts in so many ways on a daily basis. Few installations are postured to handle this constant level of high-visibility engagement, but we make it look easy here at the "Best Wing in the Pacific." Col. Mark August 374 AW/CC