Commander's Corner: Jan. 24, 2014 Published Jan. 26, 2014 By Col. Clarence Lukes 374th Airlift Wing YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- Many of you took the opportunity this month to attend the Wing's town hall events regarding the Air Force's Force Management programs. Despite the difficult issues discussed, I was encouraged to hear Airmen asking tough questions about their future. In uncertain times, staying informed strengthens our team and better prepares us all for the future. As these programs develop, Yokota Airmen must be engaged in order to make informed decisions. We need to continue to ask hard questions and talk with our families. We must stay linked to the myPers webpage for updates and be sure to get honest feedback from our supervisors. Our leaders will support us and provide guidance. It's important to understand that these measures are not about making cuts; they are about making sure we retain the right people to ensure a legacy of effective leaders for the future. The Command Chiefs and Wing Commanders of tomorrow's Air Force are wearing their first stripes and bars today. No matter how alarming these measures may look, remember that there will always be a place in our Air Force for sharp Airmen, dedicated to delivering Airpower in defense of our nation. Col. Clarence Lukes 374 AW/CV