Commander's Corner: Dec. 6, 2013 Published Dec. 6, 2013 By Col. Mark August 374th Airlift Wing YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- This week, we welcomed back the last of our returning deployers from Operation Damayan, the typhoon relief effort in the Republic of the Philippines. They did an outstanding job working alongside host-nation and multinational partners to assist the Philippine government's response. Conditions on the ground have improved dramatically, due in no small part to the dedicated performance of Team Yokota. All told, our Airlifters evacuated 2,400 displaced persons and moved 319 tons of relief supplies, to include 130 tons of USAID material. Additionally, a team of Yokota airlift experts helped synchronize coalition military aircraft as part of the Airlift Component Coordination Element. Our unique capabilities were part of a larger joint and multinational effort that delivered hope and aid to those in need. It's what friends and allies do--they help each other out. Our forward presence here in the Pacific and deep relationships with regional allies enables us to rapidly respond to crises. This is what we are trained and ready to do. We are honored to have contributed to such a vitally important mission that limited loss and saved lives. We will continue to lean forward and stay mission focused, ready to deliver our unique capability--Professional Airlift--anywhere, anytime. Col. Mark August 374 AW/CC