Readiness flight provides typhoon safety tips Published Aug. 26, 2007 By Airman 1st Class Jonathan Fowler 374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- For military members and their families stationed in Japan, preparing for typhoons may be a new concept. Typhoon season began in May and continues through November. To ensure their safety, people need to know the best measures to take before and during a typhoon, said Staff Sgt. Brian Fagan, 374th Civil Engineer Squadron Readiness and Emergency Management Flight plans and operations NCO in charge. "A typhoon is a tropical cyclone with winds equal to or greater than 74 miles per hour," Sergeant Fagan said. "There is no difference between a typhoon and a hurricane other than where they occur in the world." To let people know when a typhoon is going to come ashore, the instillation uses Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness alerts. The alerts go from TCCOR 4 to TCCOR 1 and there are others for after a typhoon has passed. TCCOR 4 is the lowest and means that a typhoon is within 72 hours of the base while TCCOR 1 means the storm has arrived. The TCCOR level is determined by using information provided by numerous government agencies who have been tracking the storm. This prevents a typhoon from essentially hitting the base by surprise, Sergeant Fagan said. Long before a typhoon arrives, people should prepare a disaster readiness kit. This kit should include three days worth of supplies such as food, water, batteries, radio and other essential items. People should tune into AM radio station Eagle 810, for up-to-date information. "People need to stay indoors," Sergeant Fagan said. "They need to stay away from windows and be as close to the center of the building as possible. "If your residence is damaged to the point of being unsafe, rally to the Yujo Community Center," Sergeant Fagan said. "From there, you will be directed to a safe shelter." To be prepared, Staff Sgt. Kevin Graves, 374th CES Readiness Flight NCOIC of training, suggested people keep a copy of the "Are you ready?" pamphlets.