YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan -- As a result of continuous feedback from the Yokota community, a new option for internet service providers on base opened in December 2023.
The new internet provider, now available at the Base Exchange, expands the service options offered to on base personnel while directly addressing a community concern. The Commander’s Action Line, a line of feedback designed to improve on-base services and efficiency, served as a successful communications tool for the expansion of services, as it helped provide Wing leadership with better insight into a needed improvement.
“We are always ready to receive input from across Team Yokota, as feedback from those affected by ongoing issues and concerns continues to be invaluable,” said Col. Andrew Roddan, 374th Airlift Wing commander. “Further availability of services is a good thing for our members, and we thank those who continue to submit feedback for helping enhance our community, provide better services, and improve mission effectiveness.”
Some ways Yokota personnel can channel their recommendations for improvement include the Commander’s Action Line, the Air Force Connect App, the First Sergeants Council, the Key Spouse Program, YokoWERX, the Interactive Customer Evaluation system, and as always, their chain of command.
Team Yokota also hosts regular town hall meetings throughout the year, focused on community updates and addressing concerns. The first of 2024 was hosted Jan. 10 at the Officers’ Club and addressed Mission Support Group functions such as housing, construction, and transportation services. Engagements with members across the installation will continue throughout the year to provide base personnel the opportunity to deliver direct communication and feedback.
To submit feedback digitally, Team Yokota can use any of the following resources:
● The Commander’s Action Line: 374AW.PA.CommandersActionLine@us.af.mil.
● The Air Force Connect App on the App Store and Google Play Store: After downloading the app, tap “Favorites” and “Yokota Air Base” into the search bar. You can offer app feedback and submit ICE comments by clicking on “Feedback” in the bottom right corner of the Yokota Air Base splash page.
● YokoWERX is located within Building 400 and is always looking for suggestions on how to improve the base. They can be contacted at yokowerx@gmail.com, their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/yokowerx/, and DSN 225-2405.