U.S. Air Force officer poses for a photo

337th ASUF Marriage & Births Abroad


Each service will need to reference their regulations and follow instructions provided. Members are required to go through their chain of command to inform them of their intent to marry a foreign national and will need to obtain approval by their command.  For your convenience, we have established a checklist to assist with the process:  Marriage to a Foreign National Checklist.



If your child is born abroad, you will need to file for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA). It is used as evidence of United States citizenship. It is recommended that your start this process as soon as the child is born. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders are NOT a valid authorization to enter and immigrate into the U.S. or any other country where you are moving to.  For your convenience, we have established a checklist to assist with the process: Newborn Checklist


Note: If Applicable, when contacting the U.S Consulate, please state that you are a DOD Member that falls under Chief of Mission. This will help secure an appointment for you and your family with the consular office since you will be a priority member.


For Official Passports, Fort Belvoir’s Special Issuing Agency requires this application:

Fillable DD Form 1056

Sample DD Form 1056