About Us

There is no other country in the world so widely diverse, yet so deeply committed to being unified as the United States of America. The challenges we face today are far too serious, and the implications of failure far too great, for our Air Force to do less than fully and inclusively leverage our nation’s greatest strength—our remarkably diverse people.

Across the force, diversity of background, experience, demographics, perspectives, thought and organization are essential to our ultimate success in an increasingly competitive and dynamic global environment. As airpower advocates, we must be culturally competent and operationally relevant to effectively accomplish our various missions.


August 23 - 2023 Department of Defense Women's Equality Day Observance Memorandum

August 14 - DoD announces inaugural innovation challenge on talent management

June 6 - Department of the Air Force Diversity & Inclusion Resource List: Resources available for Air and Space professionals intending to learn about how diversity and inclusion supports the Air Force mission.

Contact Us

DSN: 315-225-5120

Email: 374aw.cvi.deia@us.af.mil

Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group

The Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group (DAFBAWG) is comprised of teams of volunteer employees and service members who bring a grassroots perspective, that analyze anomalies found in civilian and military workplace policies, procedures, and practices with an eye toward identifying their root causes, including determining if those root causes are potential barriers to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion, and devising plans to eliminate them. See below to learn more about our Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group teams:

BEST (Black and African American Employment Strategy Team)

  • Mission: To review and analyze guidelines, programs, data and other information for barriers to employment, advancement, and retention of Black/AA military members and civilian employees; and provide recommendations to DAF leadership.
  • Vision: To eliminate artificial barriers with employing, advancing, and retaining Black/AA Airmen and Guardians.


DAT (Disability Action Team)

  • Mission: To make positive change by promoting greater awareness and understanding of people with disabilities through advocacy and mentorship throughout the Department of the Air Force.
  • Vision: To retain and develop current employees and military members, recruit new talent, and remove barriers to opportunity and inclusivity by providing support to Airmen and Guardians with disabilities through policy changes, career development, and professional networking.


HEAT (Hispanic Empowerment & Advancement Team)

  • Mission: To value, leverage, and incorporate the rich and varied cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic Airmen and Guardians by providing the full range of professional development experiences and eliminating barriers to service in roles of progressively greater responsibility, thereby bolstering the world's preeminent Air and Space Force.
  • Vision: To cultivate a preeminent Air & Space Force that values, celebrates, and incorporates the rich and varied cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic Airmen & Guardians at every level of the Department of the Air Force.


INET (Indigenous Nations Equality Team)

  • Mission: Provide pivotal advocacy for American Indian and Alaskan Natives within the DAF through the changing of polices, recruitment and outreach in all areas, and the creation of a community of encouragement, belonging and support, to preserve culture and honor traditions.
  • Vision: A community of Indigenous Peoples perpetuating a legacy of honor through their humble advancement in service to their nation and the preservation of traditions and respect for all.


LIT (LGBTQ Initiatives Team)

  • Mission: To review and analyze programs, data, guidelines, and other information for barriers to employment, advancement, and retention of DAF LGBTQ+ military members, employees and applicants.
  • Vision: To be the light that illuminates the path towards change, acceptance, and equality for all of those that came before us and those that will come after us.


PACT (Pacific Islander/Asian American Community Team)

  • Mission: To champion Department of the Air Force policy changes as the influential and authoritative advocate for the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander community in order to break barriers affecting all Airmen and Guardians and uphold the propensity to serve in all ranks, military and civilian.
  • Vision: A Total Force where culture is celebrated and recognized to create an organization where all can advance to their maximum potential regardless of race or ethnicity, and all removable barriers to opportunity have been eliminated in order to leverage the full value in diversity of thought, ingenuity, and initiative of our Air and Space personnel.


WIT (Women's Initiatives Team)

  • Mission: Identify barriers to women’s service in the Department of the Air Force and Department of Defense that influence and impact women’s propensity to serve.

Want to connect with these teams? Reference the DAFBAWG Fact Sheets here and the Contact One-Pager here for meeting dates, points of contact, lines of effort, and social media pages!