Hat on a post in Australian outback

337th ASUF Personal Property Movement & Privately Owned Vehicle Delivery

Personal Property Movement & Privately Owned Vehicle Delivery

How soon will my Unaccompanied Baggage arrive?

This will take up to 45 days from the date of pick up at origin

How long will it take for my personal property shipment to arrive in Australia?

It can take up to 4 months for your HHG to arrive in country, then an additional 2-3 weeks to clear Australian customs. 

How will I know my personal property shipment is ready for delivery?

The 337 ASUF Personal Property office will contact you directly to schedule your delivery.  Please e-mail 337asuf.lgt@us.af.mil once you have a delivery address so we can update the system.

What if I move from one home to another while in Australia?

A short-distance move is not authorized when a Service member moves from local private-sector housing due to a landlord’s refusal to renew a lease or permit continued occupancy. This move is considered to be for the Service member’s convenience.  You will need to do so at your own expense.  The DoD does not pay for short-distance moves unless you fall into one of the categories below. For more information refer to JTR Chapter 5 para. 0519

  • Moving to or from government quarters or privatized housing
  • Vacating local economy housing under due to an involuntary tour extension
  • Foreclosure on rental housing while under a lease
  • Separation or Retirement


If moving residences during your tour, be sure to:

1) Have the Legal Office conduct a lease review, if desired. Reference Legal section.

2) Update your DD Form 2367 to ensure your OHA entitlement is updated with 337 ASUF/FM. Reference Temporary Lodging, Housing, & COLA section.

3) Inform 337 ASUF/DP of your new address. Reference Tour Extensions/Updating Contact Information section.


I shipped my POV, when will it get delivered and how will I be notified?

Your POV shipment will take 3-4 months from the date you dropped it off to arrive in country.  Once it has been cleared by customs, the 337 ASUF/LGT team will notify you with instructions on where to pick up your POV.

I have received my personal property and noticed that I some of my items are either missing or damaged.  What do I do? 

If any of your household goods are lost, damaged, or destroyed during the moving process, you may be entitled to full replacement/repair value of that item(s), assuming your Notice of Loss or Damage was filed within 180 days after delivery.


For more information on how to file a claim please visit, https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/moving/planning-your-move/file-a-claim-after-your-military-move/ or refer to the Legal Services section of this website. 

My POV was delivered and I noticed it was damaged.  What do I do?

For more information on how to file a claim please visit, https://pcsmypov.com/FAQ and click on the ‘Claims’ section or refer to the ‘Legal Services’ section of this website. 

If you have any questions, please contact the 337 ASUF Personal Property Section:

E-mail: 337asuf.lgt@us.af.mil

DSN: 315-227-5684

Commercial: +61 2 6214 5610